Friday, January 30, 2009

The end of what little sleep we get!!

Owen was so proud the other day! I watched Alexander climb into his crib as I was making the spare bed in his room. I groaned because this meant that he was going to proceed to fuss the entire time that I was making the bed (a job that I hate in the first place). As I finished pulling up a blanket I heard Alexander feet running on the carpet...I turned and thought that I was seeing things. At first I thought that my brain was playing tricks on me and that Alex really hadn't climbed into the crib. Then I asked, "Owen did you get him out?" Owen said, "no....I teached him how to climb out....see!!!!"

He was sooo proud that he had done this....liberated his brother! I groaned as I new it was the end of what little sleep we do get. Last night Alexander did well, no crying out through the night, but this morning Tim asked me, "did you get Alex up?" I said, "no"....then he asked my Mother (who had spent the night) "did you get Alex up?" Followed by a no. Then Tim asked Owen, "did you help Alex out his his crib this morning?" To which Owen replied, "no....he helped himself!"

1 comment:

Devon said...

LOL, that's the end of peace for you, Kim. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you....

What cute boys, and what a good big brother for helping his brother to be free...lololol...

I'm still giggling!